Google 在用 MySQL ?
见过 SQL Server,才知道 MySQL 基本上是一个自娱自乐不登大雅之堂的东西,没人会重视其在关键应用上的作用。有人说 Google 在用 MySQL,我一直认为这是几个 MySQL fans 的自我安慰,就像说在月球上能看到万里长城一样。后来在 里搜索,找到这么一段:
A leading player in the large Web database market, MySQL support thousands of Web sites, including those of Yahoo!, Google, NASA, US Census Bureau, Slashdot, Craigslist, Earthlink, AP Digital and Hoovers Online. MySQL is also rapidly growing in the embedded database market, where customers like Cisco, Sterling Commerce, Hyperion, NEC and Ericsson deploy MySQL in their products. In n the large enterprise database segment, MySQL is making inroads wherever performance and reliability are essential, as customers such as Cox Communications, Sabre Holdings, Cable and Wireless, and Pason Systems can attest.
列举的这些牌子是够响的,不过 MySQL 是在处理其中的关键事务吗?Google 把到今天为止的“4,285,199,774 web pages”都放在 MySQL 里,还是在用 MySQL 做其他方面、很小规模的应用?总之还是无法相信